General >> Track Operations >> Track Paving Repairs

Message started by CRXYONE on Jan 29th, 2014 at 1:53pm

Title: Track Paving Repairs
Post by CRXYONE on Jan 29th, 2014 at 1:53pm
Track Paving

We are starting to plan our paving repair projects for 2014. We have identified several areas of concern. Our list has many  areas that need attention. We probably cannot address all these areas this season. But along with your input, we would like to know if there are any areas of concern to you.
Higher HP cars and open wheel drivers seem to be the most affected by bumps, dips, etc.
Once we have identified the worst areas, we can plan according to priority

The following 2 areas, are already planned for repair.

The exit bump/s T9.
These will be taken care of with BCCCA does their dragstrip paving project. They seem to be of concerned particularily to the higher HP cars.

The dip exiting T7b drivers Left. We have already heard from a lot of drivers about this one, so it is very likely going to get repaired.

So if you have any other areas that you think we should address, let myself, Norm Shaw, or Roland Stec know  asap.

Tim Rosche

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by Doodson on Jan 30th, 2014 at 9:01am
Eventually it would be nice to add fill and level the ski jump in turn three, maybe even see if its possible to bring the corner back 10 feet to widen it out .  I know we usually put a big cone or two at the apex because the jump is worse there.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by bunracer on Jan 30th, 2014 at 11:31am
Or how about the dip/puddle at mid track turn 8 ?
I've worn off an awful lot of my right front fender bracket scraping through that one.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by Alan_McColl on Jan 30th, 2014 at 4:20pm
The bump in turn 3 should stay it's alot of fun doing the jump. ;D

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by Bob_Williams on Jan 30th, 2014 at 4:30pm
save your/our money.....maybe the bump exiting T-9 onto the front straight drivers left.....other than that, everything else is the track character. Perfection......nah....that's for simulators.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by backupbob on Jan 30th, 2014 at 5:26pm
The pot hole in 4 [ just before the shoot ]
The broken paving between  3 -4
on a lighter note a hard stand for the safety truck in 5  so we don't take too much dirt onto the track when responding or continue the road all the way from 5 to 1  [ 9-5 is already done ]

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by CRXYONE on Jan 30th, 2014 at 8:12pm
I forgot to mention that the turn 4 pothole is going to be repaired

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by unxetas on Jan 30th, 2014 at 9:59pm
I agree with saving the money.. Until we have enough to widen T3 :D

Actually, I'm all for the repairs. Fixing a bump here and there is a lot easier than letting it fall apart and then balking at the cost of a full repave - *cof*seattle*cof* ;) thanks for spoiling us!

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by CRXYONE on Jan 31st, 2014 at 12:49pm
We are actually going to rearrange some blocks to widen turn 3 exit. Revamping this area is also a consideration we are looking at.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by Keith Robinson on Feb 1st, 2014 at 1:52am
Maybe those drivers that don't care for bumps or corners should try drag racing I'm sure BCCCA would be delighted !! ;) :) ;D

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by backupbob on Feb 1st, 2014 at 6:32am
To ALL the track opps people , past and present , Thanks for all that you do . its a pretty thankless task , I wish i could do more to help sometimes . Could it be disscussed with BCCC to have the escape road along side the straight continued all the way down , its not really a priority but it would be nice for access. Once again Thanks

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by 2muchfun247 on Feb 2nd, 2014 at 8:37pm
Thank you to all the track ops people who maintain and improve our race track . I love all the bumps and corners, i am just starting to figure them out  ...but the pot hole mid way  between 3 and 4  would be nice to get on the list if it is not already .. Thanks So much Todd

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by CRXYONE on Feb 4th, 2014 at 6:43pm

2muchfun247 wrote on Feb 2nd, 2014 at 8:37pm:
Thank you to all the track ops people who maintain and improve our race track . I love all the bumps and corners, i am just starting to figure them out  ...but the pot hole mid way  between 3 and 4  would be nice to get on the list if it is not already .. Thanks So much Todd

Thanks for all your comments.
Norm and I have been talking with BCCCA almost daily. They have said they will have some info in a week or so re: paving.
I will do my best to keep the membership updated.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by BEL on Mar 10th, 2014 at 5:31pm
I was on the Mission Raceway website to see if they had an update on the track paving and found the following statement on the home page

"Due to the Ongoing Construction of the Race Track Surface the April 4-6th and the April 18-20th Race Weekend Have Been Cancelled".   :(

Does anyone know if this is true for CACC events as well?

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by racestec on Mar 10th, 2014 at 7:59pm
As the revised schedule on the website shows, the first CACC race (March 29&30) has been cancelled. It is anticipated that the rest of the CACC schedule will stay unchanged. Custom Car has had to cancel a couple of events because to the cure time of the concrete. The asphalt should be ready sooner. Keep you fingers crossed for good weather.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by Doug Floer on Mar 19th, 2014 at 10:00pm
Tim, assuming that paving is simpler and can be done quicker than the concrete pouring, I suppose you've considered the possibility of proceeding with the paving ahead of the concrete work for the dragstrip? Would that allow our races to go ahead even if the dragstrip wasn't ready?

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by Steve Hocaluk on Mar 20th, 2014 at 8:52am
While it may seem that simple, it's not.  The concrete pads on the drag strip must be poured and allowed to cure prior to paving over top of them.  The new pavement on the front straight runs past turn 9 and so the pavement must be placed at the same time to ensure a smooth transition.  In addition, the paving crew mobilizes and completes the run in one mobilization.

As I mentioned, everyone working on this has exhausted every possible alternative in an effort to prevent any cancellations.  We are at the mercy of the weather.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by Tim Rosche on Mar 20th, 2014 at 8:12pm
Sorry for not responding sooner. I have resigned as Track Operations Chairman. Ray Stec has taken over my position for 2014. He has the most up to date info for the membership.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by racestec on Mar 28th, 2014 at 9:57am
paving update - Right hand lane of the drag strip has been poured. The forming and rebar installation should be done for the left-hand lane and we are now waiting for a weather window to complete the concrete work. There is then a 10 day cure time before the asphalt can be laid. Again this is weather dependent.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by Doug Floer on Apr 5th, 2014 at 5:51pm
I heard a rumour that the Car Club is not happy with the concrete work and another delay is possible. Can you provide an update, Ray?

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by racestec on Apr 7th, 2014 at 8:59am
There may be some further delay. The concrete and paving are very weather dependent. With this stretch of wet and dry days it is impossible to do anything. We need some good weather windows. The Custom car club has committed to getting the road course up and running as soon as possible.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by SVT COBRA on Apr 7th, 2014 at 7:48pm
Here is the Update on Track Repairs. The second Concrete Pad should be poured on Wed of this Week. Final Grading for the Pavement will begin the week of the 14th and Pavement should be in Place the week of the 21st. If the seven day core test Mpa level is high enough they may try and pave right before the long weekend.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by SVT COBRA on Apr 11th, 2014 at 5:54pm
Paving is now Booked for April 22nd.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by racestec on Apr 24th, 2014 at 8:20am
Everything ready for paving. Waiting for a weather window to complete the job.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by backupbob on Apr 26th, 2014 at 9:29am
Anty thing further about the concrete failing its structual test , and what happens to our race season if that is the case .    Concerned from Sechelt

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by SVT COBRA on Apr 27th, 2014 at 9:07am

backupbob wrote on Apr 26th, 2014 at 9:29am:
Anty thing further about the concrete failing its structual test , and what happens to our race season if that is the case .    Concerned from Sechelt

Do not know where you received your incorrect . information on the Concrete. Have you reviewed all the cylinder Test Results for Strutural Strength? There were some finishing issues that are currently being dealt with by the Contractor and the repairs will not interfere with the operations of the Road Course. The Paving of the Drag Strip and turn 8 & 9 are scheduled to be paved on Monday and the Road Course should be ready by the weekend if there are no issues.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by backupbob on Apr 27th, 2014 at 2:45pm
Pardon me for asking,  but where are the results posted for the structual strength tests .  I used to deal with this type of thing 40 years ago in another country and I am interested that all , sorry I will keep quiet

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by racestec on Apr 29th, 2014 at 7:37pm
fresh asphalt is down  :D
We will be placing blocks on thursday. anyone with some free time is invited to come out and help. 10AM till 4PM?

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by Keith Robinson on Apr 29th, 2014 at 9:54pm
I'm planning on being there Thursday; the surface will be OK for forklifts by then I assume.
When will it be 'driveable'?
Will the Superbike school be able to use it on May 9th, WMRC on 10-11th?

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by Tire Clinic on May 7th, 2014 at 8:25am
Are we 100% go for the 23rd - 25th race weekend?

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by racestec on May 7th, 2014 at 4:10pm
Yes, We will be racing on the May 23-25 weekend.

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by oldtransamdriver on May 9th, 2014 at 10:04am
There is an update today in The Province re the dragstrip repairs "paving postpones schedule etc"


Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by Mike_the_Oldest on May 9th, 2014 at 12:46pm
What does it say when the local newspaper doesn't even know there's a road course there?

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by backupbob on May 17th, 2014 at 8:19pm
Mission Raceway Park
10 hrs ·
Track Update: Over the past couple of weeks we have been met with a lot of frustration and dissapointment. The work on the right lane is progressing very slowly. The original time line for this lane was two weeks now it is looking like four weeks. The left lane is basically sitting idle while our Engineers battle it out with Lafarge. As you are well aware there are issues with Blistering in this lane causing Delamination. Lafarges position is to remove the problem spots and patch them. Mission Raceways position is to remove the damaged panels and replace them. Hopefully next week we can come to some agreement on this issue. As for a firm timeline when we will be running I hope to have this info next week. Again we apologize to all our Racers, Sponsors, and Spectators for the Delays to the 2014 Race Season. British Columbia Custom Car Association prides itself on providing you with a World Caliber Racing Surface and will settle for nothing less. Again we apologize for the Delays.

This is what i was I was talking about in my previous post

Title: Re: Track Paving Repairs
Post by ToddMorin on May 21st, 2014 at 10:37pm
Found this video, which shows the newly paved sections

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