General >> Road Racing @ Mission >> Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse

Message started by Neteye on Sep 28th, 2014 at 11:38am

Title: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Sep 28th, 2014 at 11:38am
As this is my first post here, i want to introduce myself. my name is Peer, age 27, and i am a sim racer and trackbuilder from germany, to be more precise i live between the Nürburgring and the Hockenheimring (both less then 2h away). For several years now, i love racing online, as my budget and time are to limited to race a real car. the benefit of racing on the PC is, that i can race all over the world, if the track already exists in the virtual world, but there are many many missing.
Long story short, i learned how to build tracks myself, and already built some tracks. For example a street course in Shanghai, where the DTM (Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters, german touringcar masters) raced in 2010. Yes, its a bit weird that a german series raced in China, but they really did. So there is a small youtube clip of 2 laps on the virtual track i build, first one from the outside, then onboard. See the third post, as i cant post links with fewer then 3 posts :)

To make it look not to much of spam, small split here. Sorry that i.. bypass your limit that way!  :)

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Sep 28th, 2014 at 11:39am
So a small jump from China to Canada: A fellow trackbuilder from Victoria B.C. showed me his prototype of the Rivers Edge Roadcourse. In the past half a year, i put many hours into the project, remodeling stuff, improving textures etc., to make the track as best as i can. I am reaching a point, where i cant really improve it any more without more pictures or information from... you!
There are many videos and pictures of your track, but often i can only see a glimpse of what i propably need to see, to be able to modeling it. Small example: I know there are 2 sponsor banners outside the exit of Greg Moore Turn, but i cant figure out what sponsors are on there.
I hope you will help me making the virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse better and better, so sim racers from all over the world can see what awesome little track you have, even if its just in a simulator.

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Sep 28th, 2014 at 11:44am
Skip to the next post, nothing to see here  :-X

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Sep 28th, 2014 at 11:45am
So now it should work with the links...
Shanghai Pudong 2010 Video of the virtual track.

And now i can also show you a link to a small video i made in August, showing the virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse. I changed some things in the last month, so its not the current state, but it gives you an idea of what i am talking about :)
Mission Raceway - Rivers Edge Roadcourse, the virtual one. Also first the lap from the outside, then onboard. Car is a BMW M3 E30 from the WTCC '87  ;)

Greetings from Germany,

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by jrez on Sep 28th, 2014 at 5:41pm

Is this GTR?

this link might be of some help for you.

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Forum Admin on Sep 28th, 2014 at 7:29pm
Also check out There's some aerial footage of Mission in a few of the videos that may be useful.

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Doug Floer on Sep 28th, 2014 at 7:47pm
Peer, you've nailed it! The turns are excellent and the landscape is very good. The sponsors banners are probably Drivers Edge, End of the Roll carpet or IWE Rear Ends Only. Our website has a sponsors page that might help a bit. One minor detail that you might add is the sharp 1' rise at the apex of turn 3. Anyway, great job!

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Sep 29th, 2014 at 11:01am
Thank you for your friendly welcome, and also thanks for the links, they will definetly help me.
I am currently building it for the Race07 / GTR Evolution racing sim, but maybe convert them to other sims. There is already some early version of the track for other sims, but i prefer to release it when i am happy with the result and convinced i cant do it better at that time. So with your help, itll take some more time, but will be awesome.

So i only watched one video for now, and got an idea of what is currently missing, or should be improved:

-Inside turn 2, wooden marshal hut, relativly open, and 2 rows of tirestacks, current hut is a placeholder, and only one row of tires. going to take some from the outside, as i used 3 rows there :-)
-rallycross track, wooden grandstands
-inside turn 7b (chicane) paved, currently grass
-Randall Building, going to need some pictures from all sides, current is a placeholder like... all buildings til now.
-the 2 sponsor banners outside turn 2 :)
-marshal hut on the braking zone to 3
-end of the dragstrip
-add small bushes to the wall bewteen outside of 1 and the straight from 2-3
-a whole lot more that i did not see the first time, and many pictures and videos to see...

To be honest, who pays attention to buildings, lampposts or other not so interesting things, when you have CARS!  :D
So its just natural that for some parts of the track, i wont find pictures or videos of all things around the track that ill want/need to build. But first i will sight all the new information you gave me, then ask for more details.

Regarding the 1' rise, where exactly does is start an end? Maybe you can mark it in the attached picture, so i can get it right where it is.

I am writing too much, again running the risk of hitting the 2000 character limit :)

Kind regards

PS: yes, thats just 79 characters left.
turn3.jpg (196 KB | 401 )

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Forum Admin on Sep 29th, 2014 at 1:34pm
Peer, we have a race in less than 2 weeks, so if you need any specific photos or other track data I can see if I can get it for you then.

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Bob_Williams on Sep 29th, 2014 at 2:06pm
were your times better than G3"s? Just curious. ;)

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Forum Admin on Sep 29th, 2014 at 2:30pm
Sunday CW1 - Gayle 1:22.371 fast lap
Sunday CW2 - Me - 1:22.022

Also for Gramma G - Sat CW1 1:22.210, CW2 1:21.527

OK for my first time in FWD. Need more seat time!


Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by SBR1055 on Sep 30th, 2014 at 7:00am
Very Cool Peer!  I would not be upset if you omitted the "Port-a-potties" though.  Just a thought. Thanks!

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Oct 1st, 2014 at 10:55am
@Forum Admin
okay, so my schedule will be to see through the current videos and pictures this weekend, then i can make a detailed overview of what is missing. thanks a lot for your offer!

@SBR1055 least i let them stand upright, see attached image  ::) but i can make their colors less vivid, so they dont stand out too much.
topplepotties.jpg (216 KB | 316 )

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by thumphoto on Oct 4th, 2014 at 12:34pm

A very cool video!  Very well done - I like the outhouse at Turn 6 flagging station... perfect!

If it helps you get a feel of the track, my photos from the 2014 Vintage Races at Mission are here:



If you need a photo of a specific part of the track, let me know - I probably have it from a car or bike race.

Great work!

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Oct 5th, 2014 at 12:43pm
So right now, i have gone through several thousand photos and several videos, 200 photos and videocaptures are now on my harddrive, sorted into areas. ill need to make a list what i can rebuild with these, and from what i need more pictures of.
one thing i propably dont need photos is the marshal hut inside turn 2, will need to texture it later, see attached picture  :)
T2_MH.jpg (50 KB | 327 )

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by spudrace on Oct 5th, 2014 at 1:40pm
looks great, I also have photo's on my webpage If there are any u need just let me know[

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Oct 6th, 2014 at 12:56pm
This is the list of buildings/structures i found on photos, videos and satelite images, along with some guessing. I also attached a (sorry, very big again) picture so you can see what i mean with the names i came up with. If there are other structures that i missed, please tell me (and make photos ;) ). Best would be Pictures from all sides (front back left right...) angles (frontleft, frontright..), maybe important details, hard to tell from a distance. Details like the logos on the S/F flagstand (got them already, just example), or the 50km/h signs in the pitlane are very welcome if you stumble upon them. Good would also be if there is something next to the structure with a known height, for scaling.

This is a HUGE request, i am very aware of that, and i will have a lot of work to do, if i want to capture the atmosphere and feel of the track in racing simulations that way. It is also the first time that i have such a chance to make a project like that, but with so many helpfull people like you, i hope this is possible.

And as it is this huge, please try to organize who captures what, i dont think that one of you can make pictures from all of the structures. Maybe one covers the "Backyard Area", one the dragstrip buildings, one the paddock and so on.

I wish you all of luck for your races, good weather (ill try to send that awesome weather from sunday at Hockenheim to you), and most important, be safe out there!
Overview_new_small.jpg (381 KB | 407 )

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Oct 6th, 2014 at 12:57pm
MH=Marshal Hut

Turn1 MH plattform with pavilion?

Turn2 exit Sponsor Banners (Sherine, IWE+Abbsry)

Turn3 Dragstripp End/Runoff
Turn3 MH before turn 3
Turn3 MH2 between turn 3+4 to the left

Turn5 MH if there is one?
Turn6 MH
Turn7 MH

Rallycross Tower
Rallycross Stands
Rallycross Building

Randall Building

S/F Grandstands
S/F Flagstand height?
Turn2 Grandstands (similar to S/F Stands?)
S/F MH plattform, between grandstands
Floodlights along Start/Finish

Pitbuilding1 (2 40ft container+tent between, 2 20ft container on sides+platform on one?)
Pitbuilding2 all sides
Pitbuilding3 20ft container as garage?
Pitbuilding4 arch formed tent?
Pitbuilding5 green high tent + 20ft container?

Pit Hut, entering pitlane, on the right
Dragstrip finish/end signs
Dragstrip/Paddock end building
Dragstrip/Paddock end Grandstands

Backyard Building 1 (close to Turn7)
Backyard Building 2 (close to Turn8)
Backyard Building 3 behind BYB2
Backyard Building 4 behind BYB3
Backyard Building 5 behind BYB4
Backyard Trucks? Tents? RVs?

Dragstrip Stand Mid R   (similar?)
Dragstrip Stand Start R (similar?)
Dragstrip Stand Start L (similar?)
Dragstrip House at Start
Dragstrip Start
Dragstrip Building 1 (closer to backyard)
Dragstrip Building 2
Dragstrip Building 3 (Start L)
Dragstrip Building 5 behind R Grandstands

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by RadioRon on Oct 8th, 2014 at 10:44am
Here is a rough attempt to describe the rise at turn 3.  the attached picture has some hand drawn contours on it, at 3 inch intervals.  Note that the exit area comes down much slower than the entry comes up.

turn_3_elevations.jpg (244 KB | 391 )

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Oct 9th, 2014 at 6:38am
Thank you Ron, i will try to bring that into the virtual track.
Attached is a picture of the now textured marshal hut in turn 2  :)

T2_MH_2.jpg (70 KB | 388 )

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by LoCo on Oct 9th, 2014 at 7:46am
You may want to contact SCCBC member Paul Bunbury as he has surveyed the track on behalf of the club. I don't know whether he went into great detail on the elevations, but one could always ask. Also, I believe the track layout on the survey--knowing Paul--would be extremely accurate.

Of course, I'm sure there would have to be some form of release of this information by the club exec as well.

And I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but there are some fantastic aerial footages of races at the track that provide a different perspective that could be of value to you. I know some of them are posted on this forum.

Interesting work you're doing,


Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Turning Point on Oct 9th, 2014 at 1:38pm
Peer, thanks for your work on our humble track and this nearly 1million square km Province's one and only permanent road course. I've known about the track build for a while but it's cool you're putting so much work into it!
Some notes.

- Need more Rallycross for 2015!  ;)   ( It's really just a moto-x track though )
- I prefer turn 2 being called Greg Moore Turn although I suspect this was just a quick map you made only for our reference. When I got my first win I pointed up to the clouds through that corner and had 'something' in my eyes. I'm sure Greg + the corner name mean as much or more to the others as they do to me since I've only been in the club a relatively short time.

P.S. Have any spare beds at your house? hehe. I learned how to drive fast on a virtual Nordschleife so I'm very jealous of your location. A lifetime ago I first used the ring to practice for rally since there's so many fast blind corners and elevation changes. Thousands and thousands of hours there on simulators over the years, in every car imaginable. Gran Turismo Academy winner's have now proven the viability and cost savings of sim training for future pro racers. (first look up Jann Mardenborough, Lucas Ordonez if anyone wants to argue)

... Wow. While checking the spelling of the names above I learned that I missed out on the final cdn spot at GT academy by .2 seconds. 4 positions off my first shot at a funded pro racing career through Nismo. All while using my tired out 10 year old logitech G25 vs the T500rs (pricey but better wheel) and not practicing enough for months, as Canada wasn't included in the final contest in the past. So close! For 2015 I've been going all out, but I'm extra motivated with this very new knowledge. (7 canadians originally ahead of me were not eligible it turns out)

Also, while on the topic of the 'ring, iRacing is adding the nordschleife sometime in the future and are offering a discount or free membership depending if you're a new member or renewing.

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by RSRacer on Oct 13th, 2014 at 6:56pm
This is very cool,   Couple details. The in car view of the concrete walls appears to be a little high. this would be more like the perspective when in a formula or sports  racing car . Also there is a small rise to the track front turn 7b to turn 8 and then a small drop between turn 9 and the front straight.

Roland Stec
VP operations

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Oct 27th, 2014 at 3:39am
Hi there :)

I dont want to put pressure on you, but i just wanted ask if anyone had the time to take some pictures, i havent heard from you yet.

At the moment, the virtual concrete walls are 1,1m high (3ft 7in if i googled that right). Its easy to resize them, so what their real height?

I tried to replicate the elevation changes in Turn 3 and the 7-9 area, also Turn 2 is now correctly named Greg Moore Turn ingame, as you can see on the attached track map :-)

I've been to the (foggy) Nordschleife on Saturday, they even red flagged the 4h race for 90min. It was a great experience, met some really nice people and enjoyed to see a team a friend is working with win again after 7 years.


P1050487k.jpg (186 KB | 403 )
MissionRaceway.jpg (290 KB | 404 )

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by spudrace on Oct 31st, 2014 at 2:29pm
Have u got an email address I can send u some photo's of the track/buildings I took at last race of season

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Nov 1st, 2014 at 1:35am
Thank you very much spudrace, the email address is  :)

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by racestec on Nov 10th, 2014 at 9:32am
Hello Peer,
I measured the walls that line the circuit. They are exactly 76 Centimeters tall.
Great work on the virtual track!

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Jan 5th, 2015 at 8:43am
Thanks for the info Ray, i will shrink the walls a bit then.
I allso found some time to work on the track again, so i present you the announcers stand and the starters stand  :)
If anyone knows the sponsors on the left of the ladder from the starters stand please tell me so i can add them.
And if you have more photos of the tracks buildings, please contact me!

SF_Flagstand.jpg (155 KB | 377 )
PB1.jpg (130 KB | 376 )

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by spudrace on Jan 5th, 2015 at 10:27am
Looks good, glad you could use some of the photo's

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by n8 on Jan 8th, 2015 at 5:02pm
Thank you for your hard work with this, looks awesome and we're all looking forward to doing some virtual laps!

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Feb 2nd, 2015 at 5:15am
Progress on the track is somewhat slow, but i had the time to complete some smaller assets, a whole bunch of marshal posts :)
Thank you all for your support!

MRP_MHs.jpg (177 KB | 357 )

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by racestec on Feb 2nd, 2015 at 11:17am
Hi Peer, Do you have an updated video trailer?

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Feb 4th, 2015 at 5:25am
Not yet, i had planned to make one in the next days anyway. But if you have some kind of deadline like a meeting or so, tell me, i will try to have a video ready then.  ;)
and thanks for the photo, already added the sponsors to the flagstand :)

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by alangbaker on Feb 4th, 2015 at 7:31pm

Neteye wrote on Feb 4th, 2015 at 5:25am:
Not yet, i had planned to make one in the next days anyway. But if you have some kind of deadline like a meeting or so, tell me, i will try to have a video ready then.  ;)
and thanks for the photo, already added the sponsors to the flagstand :)

Our AGM (annual general meeting) is next Wednesday (February 11). It would be very cool to be able to show a video of the track then.

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Bob_Williams on Feb 5th, 2015 at 8:16am we'll have time to watch a movie :D

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Feb 5th, 2015 at 10:44am
Wednesday is doable if i dont run into serious problems.
And Bob, it wont be a full length movie, more like a 3 minute trailer, this is the old one, which is quite out of date now. :)

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Bob_Williams on Feb 5th, 2015 at 1:41pm
no offense know how meetings go......lots of talk and no resolutions. You've done a great job with the track and it's amenities......but where are the open wheel cars ;) must be a Bavarian Works guy! Danke! Bob

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by PRO3 on Feb 5th, 2015 at 7:51pm
Great job Peer and especially in the choice of car! Now that's a real race car Bob ;D
Hey Peer check out
We are the local PRO3 group that race at Mission!
Look forward to seeing the final video.

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Feb 10th, 2015 at 7:38am
Here it is, the current state of the virtual Mission Raceway:

Especially the vegetation needs some work, the trees are not to my liking, the terrain texture now allows more freedom of editing, which still needs to be done, thats why the grass looks a bit odd.
Some buildings are still missing, for example the grandstands and race control are just placeholders, the drag strip is still non-existant... 

Its like building a race car, it needs some time ;)

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Bob_Williams on Feb 10th, 2015 at 8:21am
DAMN :) That's awesome Peer.....So when are you coming here to drive the track and experience first hand, some "real personal" input? There's always a place to stay, watch some racing, eat VERY well, and what can I say about beverages? well....lets just say your mug won't ever be empty ;). I think everyone that has been watching this mature to date would agree.  Congratulations!!!!!!

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Keith Robinson on Feb 10th, 2015 at 9:42am
That is incredible!!!
It would be a great 'tool' to use with driver training.
One very small point; you would be penalized for putting '4 wheels over' the solid white line exiting turn 9 on to the main straight! ;)
(We are allowed 2 wheels only over the line) :(.

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Feb 11th, 2015 at 2:42am
Well, the first hand experience would definitely be awesome, but the first problem is to get there... flying from Frankfurt to Vancouver (and back) would be about 900€ (1200-1300 canadian dollar)... they even offer flights that take 36h, with a 21h stay in Dallas, TX, the 20h flight via Amsterdam looks a bit more comfortable.  ;)
The best thing for the virtual track then would propably be a track walk, armed with camera and notepad.  ::)

Shame on me with the white lines, i read that somewhere, but pushed a bit to hard on that lap, now that you say it... i propably could teach the game to give me a cut warning (and disqualify that lap time) if i run over it, but after the second warning, every following will be a stop and go penalty in the game. And in the game, you naturally push harder and go over the limit then in a real car, as a new car is just 2 mouse-clicks away (except in a race of course). So it would happen regularly, resulting in frustrated players.

Another of these compromises (that i am currently not really happy with) is the pit exit. As you can see, i only have traffic cones halfway from pit exit to turn 1, on the straight. But if i saw it right in the videos, you have them all the way up and into the first corner. I already have an idea how to prevent the players to just ignore and run them over, thats why i placed them like i did at the moment. Hadnt the time to test it yet.

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Mar 2nd, 2015 at 2:02pm
Just wanted to update you what the virtual world is doing :)

Trees. Way to many trees, but now better looking ones. The grass is now also more to my liking, the state between the old (about 6 month) and new was visible in the latest trailer. I also made new tirestacks, even if nobody wants to see them to closely :)
Next will be some more of the buildings, i will see what i can get up with the pictures i already have.
Old1.jpg (277 KB | 344 )
New1.jpg (360 KB | 352 )

Title: Re: Virtual Rivers Edge Roadcourse
Post by Neteye on Mar 2nd, 2015 at 2:04pm
And the tirestacks, old and new, you can also notice the corrects wall height, which was to large back then
Old2.jpg (256 KB | 287 )
New2.jpg (266 KB | 288 )

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