General >> Tech Corner >> Racing Harness Expiry Dates

Message started by 240CJ on Feb 10th, 2018 at 8:10pm

Title: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by 240CJ on Feb 10th, 2018 at 8:10pm
A question for Mike or Jim,

I believe Conference is allowing 2 year SFI belts to now be good for a 5 year period.

Is our Club or CACC considering this rule/expiration date change too?



Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by TECHMAN on Feb 12th, 2018 at 9:20am
ICSCC rules are different than CACC. SFI says that the harness assemblies are valid for two years after they were made. That is what the CACC rules say. I don't think there are any plans on changing this. Come to the CACC Spring meeting and find out.

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by Keith Robinson on Feb 21st, 2018 at 4:47pm
I just purchased a set of SFI belts and they now have an 'expiry' date on them not a manufactured date and it's only two years not 5 like FIA.

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by TECHMAN on Feb 22nd, 2018 at 9:51am
As the old labels that indicate when the harness assemblies were made are used up, the new not valid after labels will be used.
The FIA sets are not 5 years. They are valid until the labels say .I have seen many sets that would allow 6 racing seasons.

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by Keith Robinson on Feb 22nd, 2018 at 2:11pm
Splitting hairs for a pass time are we ;)?

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by alangbaker on Feb 28th, 2018 at 11:10am
I just got through reading the self-serving nonsense that the SFI uses to justify belts expiring in just two years:

It assumes that belts will be continuously exposed to the sun for that entire timespan.

It's interesting to read it and then contrast it with an actual independent study:

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by Keith Robinson on Feb 28th, 2018 at 8:16pm
Bloody Aussies they always have to bring common sense into a perfectly good money grab by the yanks!!!

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by RSRacer on Mar 1st, 2018 at 6:39pm
This should be brought up at the cacc meeting. Again

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by 240CJ on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 9:07pm
SCCA is now bought in to 5 year after manufactured date...

From the latest (Nov 2017) version of the GCR:
Section 9.3.18
E. All driver restraint systems shall meet one of the following: SFI specification 16.1, 16.5, or FIA specification
8853/98, 8853-2016 or 8854/98.
1. Restraint systems meeting SFI 16.1 or 16.5 shall bear a dated SFI Spec label. The certification
indicated by this label shall expire on December 31st of the 5th year after the date of manufacture
as indicated by the label. If for example the manufacture date is 2014 the fifth year after the date
of manufacture is 2019.
2. Restraint systems homologated to FIA specification 8853/98 and 8854/98 will have a label
containing the type of harness designation (‘C-###.T/98 or D-###.T/98) and date of expiration
which is the last day of the year marked. All straps in this FIA restraint system will have these
3. If a restraint system has more than one type of certification label, the label with the latest expiration
may be used.

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by TECHMAN on Mar 23rd, 2018 at 9:26am
From the SCCA March 2018 GCR  SFI changes are in E.2

E. All driver restraint systems shall meet one of the following: SFI specification 16.1, 16.5, or FIA specification
8853/98, 8853-2016 or 8854/98.
1. Restraint systems meeting SFI 16.1 or 16.5 shall bear a dated SFI Spec label. The certification
indicated by this label shall expire on December 31st of the 5th year after the date of manufacture
as indicated by the label. If for example the manufacture date is 2014 the fifth year after the date
of manufacture is 2019. SFI labels, with expiration dates, expire on December 31st of the labeled expiration date.
2. Restraint systems homologated to FIA specification 8853/98 and 8854/98 will have a label
containing the type of harness designation (‘C-###.T/98 or D-###.T/98) and date of expiration
which is the last day of the year marked. All straps in this FIA restraint system will have these
3. If a restraint system has more than one type of certification label, the label with the latest expiration
may be used

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by TECHMAN on Mar 23rd, 2018 at 9:27am

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by Keith Robinson on Mar 23rd, 2018 at 10:56am
Is CACC going to follow SCCA?
My new SFI belts have an expiry date so how will that work?

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by TECHMAN on Mar 23rd, 2018 at 2:06pm
Harness rule is in the GCR. Need to ask the CACC executive about this.

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by Mike_the_Oldest on Mar 25th, 2018 at 6:00am
At theCACC Spring Meeting (which you should have attended, if you didn't) the Race Director received a request from the drivers present to pursue with the CACC Executive and ASN Canada FIA information as to extending the usable life of seat belts. Gary is a very efficient Race Director, so I'm assuming that this is already in the process. Info was provided on what the Australians amateur groups are using with the approval of their ASN. This has been included with the request for further clarification.

ASN Canada FIA provide the insurance and the safety regulations (that's the GCR part of the rulebook). Until we have a further clarification or change mandated by ASN Canada FIA we have to continue as we have been.

CACC Tech Inspectors have no control over these regulations. We are asked to enforce them, period.

  Thank you

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by racestec on Apr 14th, 2018 at 8:48pm
CACC reported that ASN Canada will not allow any sort of extension on belts. SFI or FIA certified. Said the insurance company would not allow it. So how did the Aussie FIA delegate (CAMC) allow a 5 year extension on FIA certified belts? Their insurance company has no issue with this. SFI says their window nets are no good after 2 years. The SFI manufacturers must really be producing crap. I'm not going to buy it anymore. 

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by Keith Robinson on Apr 16th, 2018 at 12:14pm
I see your anger management courses are progressing well !!

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by Alan_McColl on Apr 16th, 2018 at 1:40pm
What is amazing is when these harnesses have expired before they have been sold never left the box they are packaged in and now they are junk. This is total bs it's just another cash grab.
Why is it that the seat belts in you family car are good until the day it goes to the wrecker insurance companies are insuring these vehicles every day. I would have to say that most race cars in the NW may see a total of 60 days  of sunlight a year and if we want to be really go all out 6 months of sunlight every 2 yrs.
It's a cash grab  :'(

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by TECHMAN on Apr 16th, 2018 at 2:18pm
If you are not happy with the 2 year life or the not valid after tags of SFI restraint harness assemblies or the 2 year life of the SFI Window nets, I suggest that people look at buying FIA harness assemblies and window nets.
Check the not valid after date before you buy the restrain harness assemblies.
I saw at least 2 sets of FIA restraint harness assemblies in the 2017 season that had a not valid after 2022 tag on them. This would be 6 seasons!. You should be able to get at least 5 seasons from FIA type assemblies by checking the dates.
SFI is a consortium of companies the make the various items that they certify. Maybe a bit self serving.
FIA window nets have no expiry date according to the last set of regulations I looked at.

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by alangbaker on Sep 2nd, 2018 at 4:57pm

RSRacer wrote on Mar 1st, 2018 at 6:39pm:
This should be brought up at the cacc meeting. Again

I want to revive this thread and work to get the extension of the life of belts moved up to 10 years as the Aussies have done.

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by Mike_the_Oldest on Sep 3rd, 2018 at 8:21am

You will save yourself a whole lot of aggravation if you just buy a set of FIA belts and move on.

You're pushing a wet noodle up a hill on this.

Title: Re: Racing Harness Expiry Dates
Post by alangbaker on Sep 6th, 2018 at 2:45pm

Mike_the_Oldest wrote on Sep 3rd, 2018 at 8:21am:

You will save yourself a whole lot of aggravation if you just buy a set of FIA belts and move on.

You're pushing a wet noodle up a hill on this.

Why would you say that, Mike?

In whose interest lies expiring belts every 5 years if they'll easily last 10 years? Certainly not mine. Racing is expensive enough as it is.

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