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Trophies for 2015 (Read 9,103 times)
Pro Circuit

winning isn't everything
but losing sucks

Posts: 385
Trophies for 2015
Mar 4th, 2015 at 11:00am
Hello Racers, How many of you have shelves and walls full of trophies? Does your spouse complain every time you come home with another piece of hardware? Do you have boxes of trophies in boxes in the attic that never see the light of day? We (the Exec) are now contemplating on offering a yearly award plaque that would combine your triumphs on one attractive piece of hardware that can be proudly hung on the wall or placed free standing. This plaque would include your Name, class (optional as some of you have none) events that you competed at and finishing position and can even include a laser etched photo of either yourself, your car, or both.
You would need to sign up for this program at the start of the season and this would the disqualify you from receiving the normal weekend trophies which would still be available to the folks who elected not to participate (those who may not have dozens or hundreds or thousands (Al!) of trophies already). To better help determine the interest in this program, please voice your opinion!
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Ray Stec
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SCCBC Forum Member

Posts: 18
North Vancouver
Re: Trophies for 2015
Reply #1 - Mar 4th, 2015 at 5:17pm
Excellent idea! I'd be happy with a "certificate" similar to the Driver Training completion certificate, but with all of the above on it.
I'd also like to suggest that money saved on trophies be donated (in the form of gift certificates) to the turn workers. Let them know that the drivers have opted to donate the funds for trophy purchases to them and see how well that will be appreciated! That coming from a turn worker of 8 years .......  Shocked
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Keith Robinson
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Re: Trophies for 2015
Reply #2 - Mar 6th, 2015 at 9:32am
I had something similar made a few years ago for my Agassiz hardware. It saves space but it wasn't cheap!
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1997 Kodiak Fox Formula Ford.
1986 CRX GTU/Ice racer.
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Pro Circuit

winning isn't everything
but losing sucks

Posts: 385
Re: Trophies for 2015
Reply #3 - Mar 6th, 2015 at 10:32am
It would be scaled according to level of success. The idea is to substitute the cost of 6 individual trophies with 1 nice one. We could do ones for those who were not eligible for a trophy where the plaque would simply record the events participated in, without finishing position. ( We would charge for these). Those achieving limited success would of course receive a scaled down version of what a champion would receive.
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Ray Stec
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Old Guy

Posts: 80
Re: Trophies for 2015
Reply #4 - Mar 6th, 2015 at 1:33pm
Awesome idea.  Count me in!

Jim McAde
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Jim McAdie
E46 M3 - The Beast
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Posts: 85
Re: Trophies for 2015
Reply #5 - Apr 9th, 2015 at 7:01am
Great idea - I'd be in for a printed certificate of the season's events/finishes.

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CACC Senior | 99 Corvette FRC | IP1/GTO
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BC , Canada
Re: Trophies for 2015
Reply #6 - Apr 9th, 2015 at 7:59am
I will be moving shortly and was considering , GIVING BACK some trophies for the club to re-label and re-use.  Is this something that other would do and is it worth it for the club to put energy into this? 
Maybe the club could do something like give racers a free T-shirt for every 10 trophies turned in for re use  Grin
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Pro Circuit

winning isn't everything
but losing sucks

Posts: 385
Re: Trophies for 2015
Reply #7 - May 25th, 2015 at 2:03pm
The Club has in the past accepted returned donated trophies, which were then used to present to various recipients. For example we gave out "Novice Inspired Drive" trophies to novices who we felt did a great job in the novice race.
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Ray Stec
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Pro Circuit

winning isn't everything
but losing sucks

Posts: 385
Re: Trophies for 2015
Reply #8 - May 25th, 2015 at 2:08pm
The Club is going ahead with the year-end success trophy. In anticipation of the popularity of this program, I have scaled back the number of regular weekend trophies. As always, if we run short on these, please leave your name with Driver Services and I will make sure you receive your award. There will be a sign up sheet for those wishing to participate in the year end award. A sample award will be on display on the trophy table. Those signing up for the year end award should not take a weekend trophy.
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Ray Stec
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Posts: 85
Re: Trophies for 2015
Reply #9 - May 25th, 2015 at 2:40pm
Awesome, thanks for the update.

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CACC Senior | 99 Corvette FRC | IP1/GTO
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Pro Circuit

winning isn't everything
but losing sucks

Posts: 385
Re: Trophies for 2015
Reply #10 - Jun 3rd, 2015 at 4:35pm
The annual trophy program had 30 racers sign up. I had a sample on display and will again at the next race weekend sign up for the program will be cut off after that weekend. you can also email me if you would like to be included. We had a fair number of trophies that were not picked up and the recipient did not sign up for the annual program, so I guess receiving a trophy is not that important for some drivers. CACC Weekend trophies are awarded on your aggregate finishing positions for the 3 races. If you would like your weekend trophy, they will be available at the next race, come see me. After that they will be recycled.
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Ray Stec
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