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News from SCCBC. (Read 4,802 times)
Keith Robinson
International License


Posts: 1,454
News from SCCBC.
Mar 30th, 2021 at 11:32am
SCCBC/RDC Driver Training took place at MRP this weekend and under some horrendous weather conditions, it was another success!
Several potential racers have qualified for their Novice Licences including another Al Ores descendant!
Standby for upcoming news about the season.
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1997 Kodiak Fox Formula Ford.
1986 CRX GTU/Ice racer.
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International License

Posts: 884
Re: News from SCCBC.
Reply #1 - Mar 31st, 2021 at 4:52am
How many students? Interesting cars?
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Keith Robinson
International License


Posts: 1,454
Re: News from SCCBC.
Reply #2 - Apr 1st, 2021 at 5:14pm
A more detailed/colourful report you say is needed?
OK let's see first of all; to have driver training or not have driver training, that was the question confronting the RDC/SCCBC executive?
As we had fundamentally the same organizing group as last year which ran a successful school then the answer was yes!
RDC Chairman Gary Kwong, ably assisted by Pam Stec, Rod Davison and myself arranged registration of 24 students.
A two day format was used again having the classroom early on Saturday morning preceded by a track walk.
We had 12 instructors so there were no groups on course even close to Bonnie's mandated 10!
The 'classroom' was held under tents in the pre-grid area with proper 'distancing', a TV screen, a course map and a white board.
Chief instructor Ray Stec introduced RDC members who presented the various sections of the Driver Training Manual. Driving techniques, seating position, smooth acceleration and braking, car preparation, personal fitness, flags and safety equipment were instructed by Ray, Al Harvey, Norm Shaw, Alan Baker, Gary Kwong and Pam.
After the classroom; red, green and yellow groups (8 students in each) were sent onto the track to do the tried and true exercises 1, 2 and 3.
1-Students are instructed on how to enter, apex and exit turns 1 & 2. Instructors observe each student individually and give feedback on each pass accordingly.
2- is the slalom course on the main straight which involves slaloming  through cones while watching for a flag which, when lifted means you have to miss the next gate. The idea being to get the driver to watch the cones while using peripheral vision.
3- Similar to exercise 1 but in a much tighter corner.
Upon completion of the exercises a driver's meeting was held to explain the 'lead/follow' protocol currently used in the RDC/C19 training.
Gary Kwong then brought his green group (8 students)  to pre-grid to line up behind their respective instructors With two students behind each instructor green group proceeded on track for slow lapping.
While instructors led their students 'on the line' around the track additional RDC members observed their progress from different locations.
Red, yellow and green groups all had two sessions on track before Saturday ended with a debrief meeting in pr-grid.

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1997 Kodiak Fox Formula Ford.
1986 CRX GTU/Ice racer.
IP Logged
International License

Posts: 884
Re: News from SCCBC.
Reply #3 - Apr 2nd, 2021 at 3:46am
Thank you, Keith!
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Keith Robinson
International License


Posts: 1,454
Re: News from SCCBC.
Reply #4 - Apr 2nd, 2021 at 11:49am
You are welcome; that was kind of fun. I have been thinking of turning to 'Motorjournalism' when my spectacular racing career dwindles to a dismal end  Undecided.

Segueing to an article I just read in The Mission City Record.
The C19 ruling states 'not more than 10 people in a group'; that does not mean 10 people in total!
For example Rolley Lake campground (in the District of Mission) is open with 62 camp sites, each camp site is allowed 8 people (in their bubble). Even if families of 4 were in each of those sites that would be 248 campers in a park smaller than MRP!! To add to that Rolley Lake, which obviously can be accessed by ALL the campers has no restriction on how many campers can be on the beach or trails (as long as they are 'distancing'.
Food for thought? Roll Eyes
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1997 Kodiak Fox Formula Ford.
1986 CRX GTU/Ice racer.
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SCCBC Forum Member

Posts: 4
Re: News from SCCBC.
Reply #5 - Apr 3rd, 2021 at 4:01pm
Definitely a great write up! I thought it's a 3 day course from the website, maybe reduced size due to current situation.

Sounds so much fun, can't wait for my next time to join. My track pads are ready, hopefully they can get hot enough and no wet conditions. Grin
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Keith Robinson
International License


Posts: 1,454
Re: News from SCCBC.
Reply #6 - Apr 5th, 2021 at 12:12pm
Have you emailed school@sccbc.net to register?  Smiley
Yes it is a 2 day course now partially because of C19 and partially because it is much more convenient for students coming from the interior or the Island!!
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1997 Kodiak Fox Formula Ford.
1986 CRX GTU/Ice racer.
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SCCBC Forum Member

Posts: 4
Re: News from SCCBC.
Reply #7 - Apr 14th, 2021 at 3:48pm
I don't think so, last month I inquired about vehicle qualifications. Seems the registration is not open right?

Would love to know more if already open for register Grin
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Keith Robinson
International License


Posts: 1,454
Re: News from SCCBC.
Reply #8 - Apr 21st, 2021 at 8:46am
Still no confirmation of the May Driver Training. The 'new' C19 rules make postponement very likely. New dates for track activity will be posted as soon as they are confirmed  Sad
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1997 Kodiak Fox Formula Ford.
1986 CRX GTU/Ice racer.
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