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Cost of Racing @ Mission (Read 4,729 times)

Road racing, not street

Posts: 1
Cost of Racing @ Mission
Jan 19th, 2010 at 8:02pm
Hi All,

I live about 10 minutes from mission raceway and my father and I used to go auto-x a few years ago.  I want to get back into racing as a hobby on the odd weekend but don't have a ton of money or time to dedicate to tuning the race car.

Basically I'm wondering what the cost is to have a 'race weekend' in a 'stock' class four banger car including fees, tires, gas, wear and tear etc...

I understand I'll probably have to get a race suit, shoes, gloves, etc. I already have a helmet that I use for drag racing.

So what kind of budget should I have to do a weekend and/or a season?
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Senior Racer

Posts: 243
Re: Cost of Racing @ Mission
Reply #1 - Jan 20th, 2010 at 2:55am
Welcome to the SCCBC and road racing at River's Edge. There are a huge number of ways to go racing from big to little (budget-wise) however for someone starting out it might be a better deal to "arrive and drive".

By that I mean there are several race teams that advertise here for car rentals on a race-by-race basis. You can pay your money and simply show up and drive once you have the proper licensing and driver training. One that comes to mind is "Family Affair Race Team".

The SCCBC has details about their driver training sessions listed on this website with several contacts you can phone or email.

Other than that, there are also several affiliated clubs that hold track days, check the "links" pages on this site main page.

Another great way to get to know about the track is to volunteer as a worker. You get in for free, get track-side activity and get to meet and work with a great bunch of volunteers.


Lorne (Sign Guy) Grin
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International License


Posts: 1,684
BC , Canada
Re: Cost of Racing @ Mission
Reply #2 - Jan 20th, 2010 at 1:22pm
average prices

tires - $150 each
brakes - $200 a set
gas for the weekend - $100
entry fee - $250
Oil - $50
brake fluid - $10

Then there is the cost to build the car and make sure the drive train is in good shape $10000
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Road racing, not street

Posts: 2
Re: Cost of Racing @ Mission
Reply #3 - Jul 16th, 2010 at 9:17am
are there purses in these races?  if so how much?
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Pro Circuit


Posts: 272
Re: Cost of Racing @ Mission
Reply #4 - Jul 16th, 2010 at 10:33am
I think some of the ladies (and maybe some dudes as well?) carry their purses to Mission, but I think you have to leave them in the paddock, for safety reasons.

You mean money? Hehe.. There is no money to be made in road racing (as a driver!). Forget about it, no matter where you ask, you'll get the same answer. Yes, one of the local series (WSC) pays out some money, but it's nowhere near what you'll be spending to be even remotely competitive.

I don't know about oval racing, or even drag racing. But road racing is mostly a hobby or a passion, that costs everyone involved a lot of time and money.
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-Tiago Santos
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