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Feb.11 meeting (Read 17,621 times)
Pro Circuit

Ice is nice to race on

Posts: 341
Feb.11 meeting
Feb 12th, 2015 at 9:17am
Can anyone tell us what happened at the meeting last night ?
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SCCBC Administrator

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BC,  Canada
Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #1 - Feb 12th, 2015 at 9:57am
Yes, the club has folded due to nobody stepping up to most of the Exec positions. It was quite sad really.

As per usual, it seams, the usual few had had to step up again to assume the roles of running the club. I find it quite pathetic that a club of 300 people has to keep calling on the same people time and time again to do the same roles.

I wish I could have put my name back into the ring but work requirements will limit my availability this year, and I already have enough to do to assist with making the race weekends happen.

That being said, we need some volunteers to step up this year to help out in 2 key areas, Registration and Timing & Scoring. Without either and no one races. Registration is a Friday evening, and Sat & Sun morning role that is extremely social as you get to see and talk with all the drivers (I don't know if that's always an incentive or not), and you get to work in a warm (or cool) dry, and mostly bug free environment. The process is easy to learn and anyone with basic computer skills can master it in no time. Drivers! Get your wives, girlfriends, mistresses, whomever, out to help! This way they don't have to hang around your pit all weekend. Smiley

I want to go racing too, so I need at least 2 people to step up who are at least slightly computer techy and also want to work in a similar environment as Registration (warm/cool, dry, less bugs, free lunch and dinner, great view of the racing, etc). This role does require some technical know-how when things go wrong, but is an easy process once you get the hang of it. This is not an option, we need the help now to be ready for the season.

So what happened last night, well Ray is back in as Pres, Roland as VP-Ops, Laurie Kaerne as VP Admin, Sheryl Mawdsley as Treasurer, and Grandma 'The Mexican' Gayle is back in as Secretary. There's also some other changes with regards to track ops and stuff but that's coming out in an announcement later.

Rant over.. thank you for you for your time.
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Take it to the track.
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Pro Circuit

winning isn't everything
but losing sucks

Posts: 385
Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #2 - Feb 12th, 2015 at 2:54pm
I couldn't jump out of the way of the train fast enough  Undecided
We had a full room of hand sitters. Marc hopefully your plea will bring some results. Marc's first comment, said in jest, has an element of reality to it. While many members do not wish to sit "in the big chair" they can certainly help out. A long time club member forcast to me that "amatuer racing will be dead in 10 years". Wouldn't that be totally sad. Cry
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Ray Stec
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Keith Robinson
International License


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Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #3 - Feb 12th, 2015 at 7:22pm
10 years, cool I'll be around for the last race Roll Eyes!
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1997 Kodiak Fox Formula Ford.
1986 CRX GTU/Ice racer.
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Posts: 1,684
BC , Canada
Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #4 - Feb 13th, 2015 at 6:49am
Its easy , Switch from a NON profit club to a business and pay people to run the business like SCCA Huh
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SCCBC Administrator

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BC,  Canada
Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #5 - Feb 13th, 2015 at 7:35am
.. and probably have to at least double race entry fees.

Another approach is what ICSCC does which pays a stipend (I thing that's the right word) for certain jobs/roles within the organization. The website admin, sound officer, and a few others receive a small payment for their services to help offset their travel and other costs. ICCSC also has a $15 per entry driver levy for every race to help pay for it. I'm not a fan of 'paying' volunteers, however keeping their involvement cost neutral in order to encourage more people to make the trek out to Mission to volunteer on the race weekends may be a good starting point.
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Take it to the track.
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Senior Racer

Road racing, not street

Posts: 107
Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #6 - Feb 18th, 2015 at 7:16am
I had a few thoughts on the issue of governance.  Possibly it could be a starting point for discussion.

Racing at Mission is a very good financial proposition.  Lots of track time, reasonable entry fees, and typically at least 7 race weekends per season.  Also, SCCBC is the envy of other clubs in that we get additional income from the facility through outside rentals.

However, it’s a significant work load for the executive, being both a management team and a board of directors.  I think it’s time to split these two functions.

The club could form a corporate entity, call it “SCCBC Enterprises”, whose function is to administer the road race facility, both for private rentals, and SCCBC events.  This  “SCCBC Enterprises” would be owned by and report to SCCBC.  That entity would hire an administrator(s), on salary, to take care of private rentals, ensure all preparations are completed for race weekends, and possibly also do the accounting for these functions.  The entity would then dividend all net proceeds to the Sports Car Club of BC, thereby preserving it’s non-profit status.  The cost of this paid position would come out of private rentals, so as such would not affect the race weekend entry rates, but would reduce the surpluses coming out of the private rentals that benefit the club.  The club, at least in my brief recollection, takes the position that the race weekends should break even, the driver training surplus should contribute to administrative expenses, while the private rental income should revert to the Club and be used for maintenance and improvement of the facility proper.

The Executive of SCCBC would then function as a true Board of Directors.  I’ve seen what the President and Vice-President have to take care of during a race weekend, and it basically precludes them from racing.

Other Clubs, such as Vintage, IRDC, Cascades, typically organize one or two events each season.  The work load for SCCBC is significantly higher.
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International License

Posts: 884
Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #7 - Feb 18th, 2015 at 10:03am
I would strongly endorse the idea of looking into John's proposal. There may be some legal ramifications with the Societies Branch and some other issues, but the whole idea certainly merits a good review.

Thanks for bringing that forward, John.
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Pam Stec
Senior Racer

Road Racing-Not Street
Racing-do it at the track

Posts: 213
Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #8 - Feb 18th, 2015 at 10:54am
John, thank you for voicing your thoughts on the forum. I have been voicing similar thoughts to various executive boards over the last number of years. It seems to have been the subject that no one had the time, or the inclination to explore. Having been the treasurer in 1989 and again in 2014 it is glaringly obvious that changes are badly needed in that area alone. It is a big job expected of people who are working for a living.

I have sat in every chair on the board, with the exception of VP Ops which we didn't have in the 90's, and I think I have as good an understanding as anyone about the amount of time and effort that is required on and off the track. It is well past time to make some changes.

I hadn't thought about forming a business. I don't know how that fits with a not for profit society, but I am sure we have members who do. My thoughts were more along the line of hiring an administration office. A separate business that can deal with payroll and hiring staff to handle:
- phone calls answered during regular business hours
- questions handled regarding track rentals
- contracts
- rental calendar
- receiving mail
- banking
- ordering bathrooms pumped and garbage dumped
- getting quotes
- printing jobs
- stationary ordering
- email blasts
- surveys
- hiring subcontractors
- applying for event permits and insurance
etc, etc, etc
We had an opportunity to do this about 5 or 6 years ago for less than $200.00 a month. There was no interest in that time and that opportunity has passed. However, there are always others.

The board has little time to plan for the future while they are bogged down in mundane day to day tasks. There has to be a better way.
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Pam Stec
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Senior Racer

What would Johnny Canuck

Posts: 237
Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #9 - Feb 18th, 2015 at 1:25pm
I have to agree with Pam and John.  One of the reasons I had to give up being treasurer was the time committment it required.  I was putting enough hours into the job on a weekly basis that it was basically a part time job.  I have mentioned the idea of creating a company to manage the track and pay dividends to the SCCBC.  There would be increased costs to the club if this was pursued, but it would free up a large amount of time for the executive, and possibly allow for more club members to step up and serve on the executive.

The San Francisco region of the SCCA created a limited company to operate and maintain Thunder Hill, and most of the profits are reinvested in the track.  As long as the SCCBC continued to invest any dividends received into the facilities and continuing operations, I don't think there would be any implications to our society or tax status.

The operating company would probably only require a full time manager for the race season, and the month before it starts.  The one thing to consider is that there will be fixed costs to cover every month, regardless of the number of events that are booked in the month.
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Keith Robinson
International License


Posts: 1,454
Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #10 - Feb 23rd, 2015 at 9:11am
I cannot see how an additional layer of management would improve the administration of the track or the functioning of the club.
Incidentally, under the Johnston Administration (about 5 years ago) I volunteered to manage the booking and organization of track rentals. I suggested that a dedicated Track Manager would give the club a more professional and coordinated approach to deal with film and car companies (who were our customers at the time). Also working directly with Custom car would have improved the relationship with our landlords.
I was told such a position was not necessary!
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1997 Kodiak Fox Formula Ford.
1986 CRX GTU/Ice racer.
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International License


Posts: 1,684
BC , Canada
Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #11 - Feb 23rd, 2015 at 11:12am
Basically you need one person in a small office in Mission that only need to be there as a part time paid person who can do track rental, answer driver training questions, deal with custom car club, book and organize washrooms, catering trucks for weekends, security, ambulance......
Basically everything that needs to be done before the race weekends and rentals.

I would think that this would take a pretty big weight off of the executive. I also think there is a way to pay this person if they were another Company . ie - SCCBC ltd.
No different than paying for an ambulance, sweeper.....
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Keith Robinson
International License


Posts: 1,454
Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #12 - Feb 24th, 2015 at 9:46am
So now we need an office too!
This is getting more ridiculous by the day.
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1997 Kodiak Fox Formula Ford.
1986 CRX GTU/Ice racer.
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Keith Robinson
International License


Posts: 1,454
Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #13 - Feb 24th, 2015 at 9:51am
Although if we built offices and garages in the paddock at least we would get washrooms, wouldn't we? Roll Eyes
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1997 Kodiak Fox Formula Ford.
1986 CRX GTU/Ice racer.
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Pro Circuit

winning isn't eveything
but losing sucks..

Posts: 382
Re: Feb.11 meeting
Reply #14 - Feb 24th, 2015 at 12:12pm
Hello members
                              Eventually in the not too distant future we will need to replace the current clubhouse . plans are to incorporate office , registration area, classroom and washrooms into the building . we are currently in the process of commissioning the building of a washroom . This should be in place for the first race weekend . this building would bre moved to behind the grandstands once the new complex is in place
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