Yes, the club has folded due to nobody stepping up to most of the Exec positions. It was quite sad really.
As per usual, it seams, the usual few had had to step up again to assume the roles of running the club. I find it quite pathetic that a club of 300 people has to keep calling on the same people time and time again to do the same roles.
I wish I could have put my name back into the ring but work requirements will limit my availability this year, and I already have enough to do to assist with making the race weekends happen.
That being said, we need some volunteers to step up this year to help out in 2 key areas, Registration and Timing & Scoring. Without either and no one races. Registration is a Friday evening, and Sat & Sun morning role that is extremely social as you get to see and talk with all the drivers (I don't know if that's always an incentive or not), and you get to work in a warm (or cool) dry, and mostly bug free environment. The process is easy to learn and anyone with basic computer skills can master it in no time. Drivers! Get your wives, girlfriends, mistresses, whomever, out to help! This way they don't have to hang around your pit all weekend.

I want to go racing too, so I need at least 2 people to step up who are at least slightly computer techy and also want to work in a similar environment as Registration (warm/cool, dry, less bugs, free lunch and dinner, great view of the racing, etc). This role does require some technical know-how when things go wrong, but is an easy process once you get the hang of it. This is not an option, we need the help now to be ready for the season.
So what happened last night, well Ray is back in as Pres, Roland as VP-Ops, Laurie Kaerne as VP Admin, Sheryl Mawdsley as Treasurer, and Grandma 'The Mexican' Gayle is back in as Secretary. There's also some other changes with regards to track ops and stuff but that's coming out in an announcement later.
Rant over.. thank you for you for your time.