I for one, and others may ditto.....we as drivers and all other participants are extremely fortunate and grateful for the care, concern, knowledge, and attention that we have at Mission Raceway on every race weekend. I have personally seen the on track volunteers work there magic. If there was ever a question as to their abilities / professionalism , I would most likely not participate.
All this verbality begs the question......who does one contact for information regarding "training"? Is there a classroom session, much like that of Driver Training, or is it learn on the fly? Why do we not "promote" a program like this here on this site, rather than discuss "it's lack of involvement"?
It would be in every ones best interest to hear from a representative of the very organization we are discussing.
For those folks that are NOT involved, and would like to get the "best seat in the house", it would be extremely pro active to have that contact info, or at the least, a member to contact. (most of us, reading this already know who to contact). Some readers (not all) are not racers or participants. Hand outs, flyers, etc at each event would also work. Let's do our part, and sell it somehow.
Just saying!!!!