Quote:So, at the risk of coming across as a complete pain in the a$$, I take it that the primary motivation for changing the points rules and awards structure of the SCCBC is that the recognition of the CACC class awards are not given at the SCCBC banquet? This doesn't seem to be sufficient reason to abandon the current structure in favour of functionally cloning the
Darwin, there are multiple reasons for introducing club-based class championships. A big one, for sure, is to liven up the annual banquet. An SCCBC club championship gives the drivers something additional to strive for, but, more importantly, it better reflects the full depth of competition that club drivers face. Let's put it this way. If there were no class championship awards at CACC, and both SCCBC and CACC were proposing to introduce them, which set of championships would be more representative of the full breadth of competition for club members? SCCBC championships, naturally.
The fact that CACC already has class championships shouldn't negate the fact that they would also be great at the club level. I doubt they will ever be a completely identical set of winners between CACC and SCCBC awards, and if there are, where's the harm in that? The objective is to improve the experience of our club members who participate in the full slate of races put on by SCCBC, and this accomplishes exactly that.
You may think you wouldn't be interested in an SCCBC class championship trophy, but I'll bet you a dollar that you'll be there in your Sunday best at the banquet to pick up your trophy the very first time you earn one, and with a great big smile on your face.
Most club members we've spoken to admit that the current point system is flawed and would like to see it changed. This is one of those rare opportunities where a few took the initiative to improve the process for the benefit of the club as a whole. If you don't like what's being proposed, we'd love to hear some constructive suggestions.