Quote:How about if, instead of the complication of how to map over the ICSCC classes from one weekend onto the CACC classes from 5 weekends, you give out 6 sets of awards? OW, CW1, CW2, TA, & Vintage - 5 sets of awards for the CACC groups, and 1 set of awards for the SCCBC members participating in the ICSCC weekend - consider that weekend one giant run group and do that math based on that. Just tossing ideas out there.
IMO, mapping classes would be simpler and more consistent but I wouldn't object to expanding the number of groups in the championship.
I wouldn't want to give up on the proposed class championships. In a straw poll at the AGM, about 75% of the membership in attendance liked the idea of a SCCBC class championship. We can find a way to work out the details on implementation of class mapping.
Personally, I think that SCCBC class championship awards would provide more motivation for drivers to attend club races, they would add more spark and importance to each race, and would make participating in the club overall more rewarding.
I also find the banquet a great event but the awards are always a bit disappointing simply because no recognition of class winners is done, and that's the venue where it should happen. The CACC awards are done at the fall meeting which is not typically well attended, are pretty dry and usually rushed, mainly because it's not the main agenda item and the meeting is not really a social event.