ICSCC Competition Licenses in one or two year durations are now available online at MotorsportReg!
ICSCC International Road Race “Gold” licenses require a corresponding one or two year ICSCC Member or Associate club membership and a completed physical form ( found here- https://click.pstmrk.it/3ts/www.icscc.com%2Fforms.php/cP88/iKuyAQ/AQ/ecee8865-44b7-4d36-be56-7481e4662d54/1/oJwSNbLeUj ).
ICSCC Area Road Race “Silver” licenses also require a corresponding one or two year ICCSCC Member or Affiliate club membership but do not require a physical.
Also available in one and two year durations are:
- ICSCC Observation Licenses if our License Director deems that you have enough experience to bypass the Novice program but are new to us so we can watch and evaluate with the same Club and Medical requirements as above.
- ICSCC Novice Licenses if you have completed an acceptable driver training event and joined a club and completed your Medical requirements as above.
If you have questions about how to register for a license contact ICSCC License Registrar Linda Bostrom – ICSCC.License.Registrar@outlook.com
If you have any questions about whether you have the qualifications to participate in our Observation program or about starting our Novice Program contact ICSCC License Director Bill Ecker – license_director@icscc.com
Gold, Silver, Observation, and Novice Competition Licenses can be applied for here: https://click.pstmrk.it/3ts/www.motorsportreg.com%2Fevents%2Fcompetition-license-fee-2024-none-icscc-915094/cP88/iKuyAQ/AQ/ecee8865-44b7-4d36-be56-7481e4662d54/2/0BqqDk0lr_
Enduro Only Licenses (Allow participation in Endurance Races over one hour in length only) are also available in one and two year durations and are tailored for those who love Endurance Racing or who have collected experience racing with Budget Endurance organizations and are looking to add to their racing resume and opportunities to race by achieving an ICSCC license. Experience with an Enduro Only license makes it easy to evaluate your on track skills and potentially qualify for a Gold or Silver Championship race license which qwualifies drivers to attend any of our events whether Championship Race of Enduro.
You can apply for the Enduro Only license here – https://click.pstmrk.it/3ts/www.motorsportreg.com%2Fevents%2Fenduro-only-license-fee-2024-none-icscc-087762/cP88/iKuyAQ/AQ/ecee8865-44b7-4d36-be56-7481e4662d54/3/LbGdycNQbV .
Thanks – looking forward to seeing everyone for the 2024 racing season. The schedule is now final, check it out here – https://click.pstmrk.it/3ts/www.icscc.com%2Fseason.php/cP88/iKuyAQ/AQ/ecee8865-44b7-4d36-be56-7481e4662d54/4/Ak3D1-5WM6