The second annual Formula Ford Open House was held Saturday, November 22 at MCE Motors in Chilliwack. Almost fifty motorsport enthusiasts spent the evening viewing a selection of great Formula Ford cars, talking racing and learning about the venerable class.
Attendees were entertained with presentations covering topics of interest to racers and fans including a demonstration on the use of pit maintenance products from MK Technologies, and a mechanic’s session by Alan McColl showing how to replace a Hewland MK9 transmission gear set in a short twenty minutes. A dismantled Kent 1.6L Formula Ford engine drew many questions and comments from attendees and the large-screen presentation of local Formula Ford race videos proved a great hit. Attendees enjoyed pizza and refreshments and the night was topped off with door prizes of three great racing books provided through the generosity of Tom Johnston. Plenty of interest was generated in racing at Mission and with Formula Ford class, in particular.
The Formula Ford drivers group wishes to thank the CACC and SCCBC for their support, Alan McColl of MCE Motors for providing the venue, and to Everything That Glitters for the very professional decoration and setup.