Category Blog

June 13-14 2020 – Lapping Day Announcement

Full Announcement:  June_13_14_Lapping_Announcement.pdf SCCBC 2020 Lapping Supplementary Regulations for CACC:  CACC-Lapping-Supp-Regs-2020.pdf —   The S.C.C.B.C. presents SCCBC RACING MEMBERS’ Lapping Days for recently licensed Race Drivers and Race Cars sanctioned by CACC. Held under CACC Lapping Regulations & CACC GCR’s.  …


The SCCBC executive has been monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic closely. Please stay safe. Visit SCCBC’s COVID-19 Response for more information

Mazda Canada Unflagging Support for Racing in BC

With a level of generosity that has characterized their support for racing in BC, Mazda Canada has once again stepped forward to provide a pair of Mazda vehicles for the 2019 racing season. These sporty yet elegant cars will provide…